Dental Implants
In Pflugerville, TX

Dental Implants in Pflugerville

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants replace missing teeth. They are made of 3 parts: the implant, the abutment, and the crown. The implant is placed into a patient's jaw bone and the abutment connects the implant to the crown to restore the appearance and functionality of the smile.

Dental implants are made from durable titanium that can last for years with proper maintenance and care. Once the crown is placed, the dental implant fits in seamlessly with your natural smile.

Pflugerville Dental Implants

Did You Know?

tooth icon

Dental Implants Can Help Prevent BONE LOSS.

Why Choose Dental Implants At Primavera Dental Group?

Dr. Homsi is a trained prosthodontist and is actively pursuing a fellowship in Prosthodontics at the prestigious University of Washington School of Dental Medicine. Because Prosthodontists specialize in the dental prosthetics, ie. dental crowns or arch of teeth, that complete the procedure, they can plan treatment that focuses on the result. This ensures you get a smile that looks natural and stays functional for the long-term.


Invisalign doesn’t disrupt your smile because the clear aligners are unnoticeable and blend in with your teeth. Even when patients need to get Invisalign attachments bonded to their teeth, these are made of tooth-colored resin that blends in with the teeth and is covered with the aligners.

Invisalign is much more hygienic than braces because you’re able to remove them to thoroughly brush and floss. This also prevents food particles and stains from being trapped in your aligners, since you take them out before eating and can easily clean the surfaces of your aligners.

When patients wear braces, they need to avoid many of their favorite foods that are hard, sticky, or crunchy because they can break or get stuck in their braces. You can enjoy a restriction-free diet with Invisalign. The pressure exerted on your teeth is also greatly minimized thanks to our Smart Track aligners which place gentle pressure on your teeth.

Invisalign is also associated with fewer appointments and faster treatment times.

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Dental Implant Options

Single-Tooth Implant

Single-tooth dental implants require only one dental implant to act as your tooth's root. The implant has 3 parts: the dental implant, the abutment, and the crown. These are typically the simplest types of implants to place and restore as they are only replacing a single tooth.


Mini implants have a similar structure to regular dental implants, but the implant itself is smaller. They are typically used in cases where the bone structure is less than what a normal dental implant needs to support it. They also do well in smaller spaces, such as anterior implants. Dr. Homsi will recommend the right type of dental implant for you — just know that we provide a variety of options to best serve your needs.

Full-Arch Implants

Full arch implants support an entire arch of teeth. Unlike traditional dentures, full-arch implants offer a more secure feel with no slipping or sliding. A full arch of teeth typically requires 4-6 dental implants, but Dr. Homsi will determine how many are required during your consultation and treatment plan.

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Our Patients Say It Best

What To Expect At Your Dental Implant Consultation


Dr. Homsi will conduct a thorough oral exam, which includes digital scans to evaluate your jaw bone density and overall oral health. Your Pflugerville dentist will review their findings with you and determine if you are a good candidate for implants. If dental implants are right for you, he will provide a tailored treatment plan for your placement and restoration procedures.

Oral Surgery & Implant Placement

Your oral surgery will be scheduled after your consultation. During the procedure, your doctor will make an incision in your gum line and insert the titanium implant. Guides are often used to ensure proper placement of the implant.

Healing & Osseointegration

After the implant has been placed, the healing and osseointegration process begins. This is where your jawbone and the titanium implant bond together. Healing from the surgery takes about two weeks, while osseointegration may take up to 6 months.

Crowns & Impressions

During osseointegration, Dr. Homsi will take impressions of your teeth so he can begin creating your custom prosthetic. He will work with you to color-match your crown or arch of teeth so that it fits seamlessly with your smile.

Restoration Application Procedure

Once healing and osseointegration is complete, your abutment is placed atop the implant which attaches the dental implant to your new crown. After your restoration procedure, you will walk out of our office with a complete smile.

Dental Implant Maintenance

Over time, your dental implant restoration may require maintenance or may need to be replaced due to natural wear and tear. Dr. Homsi will instruct you on how best to care for your implants and restorations, and will be there if a new restoration is necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

How painful is a dental implant?

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Primavera Dental Group

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